The WellBeing Centre has a team of highly qualified and experienced therapists. All have been selected as they excel in their different fields. All offer a selection of therapies and are happy to answer any questions you may have, with no obligation.
Angelic Reiki is a type of energy healing conveyed through reiki symbols and the angels. The therapist will channel angelic healing energies that can reach the recipient on a number of different levels both physical and psychological. This therapy can help to achieve complete relaxation and bring a healthy balance to thoughts and emotions.
£35 for 30 mins
£50 for 55 mins
Taster sessions are also available on Complementary Therapy Taster Days at The WellBeing Centre
Antaneea Massage Technique is a new vibrational healing system which originated in South Africa. The therapy involves the use of oils, colour, crystals, sound and massage. The theory behind this is that our body stores all of our negative experiences within our cell structure that can have a negative effect on our physical, emotional and mental well being. In Antaneea, it is known as a time lock. It is believed that through the vibration of the colours, oils, sound and massages, the locks can be located and released, giving the client physical energy, mental clarity and a positive sense of well being.
The body gets massaged three times in one treatment, working on the physical, emotional and spiritual body of the individual. This is a wonderful therapy that is believed to support and heal on all levels. It is also a very relaxing treatment and takes up to 2 hours.
Price:- £90 for 110 mins
Aromatherapy is a treatment that involves using a range of natural oils extracted from things such as plants, flowers and roots to heal and relax.
Aromatherapy massage can benefit a range of conditions including:
Prices: Aromatherapy massage
£55 - Initial treatment (includes a consultation) for 50 mins
£45 - Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage for 40 mins
Prices: Aromatherapy facial
£45 - Initial treatment (includes a consultation) for 40 mins
An ancient form of traditional Chinese medicine, which doesn't require the insertion of needles.
The therapist works with their fingertips to manipulate the 'Chi' (energy) of the meridians to help optimise the client's health. In Acupressure, Myofascial trigger points causing pain and reduction in movement are also treated with effect.
Auriculartherapy- treatment of the body using zonal palpitation (Very much like Reflexology) is also on offer as a simple and effective way of identifying problems and often giving immediate relief.
Along with its ability to help treat variety of ailments, patients experience additional benefits of acupressure massage.
Benefits of Acupressure maybe :
It's a deeply relaxing experience — like other types of massage — can help with:
The therapy stimulates the body's circulatory, lymphatic and hormonal systems. It also helps the function of the immune system and the body's natural ability to heal itself.
Free phone consultation
£60 - Full assessment - for 50 mins
£50 for follow on appointments for 50 mins
As well as being a wonderful way of pampering yourself and of de-stressing there is evidence that hand and foot massage promotes healing and pain management.
£39 - Initial treatment (includes consultation) 45 mins
£25 - 20 mins
Why not also consider a Holistic Thai Hand & Foot Massage or Thai Foot Pamper?
See information in the listings below.
Clinical Hypnotherapy can help release your fears, phobias, and negative habits,assisting you to overcome unhelpful thoughts and behaviour patterns, in order to unlock your inner resources and improve your life.
The Hypnotherapist utilises a number of techniques, including direct suggestion, to access your unconscious mind and modify your behaviour,changing self- limiting fears,thoughts and behaviour patterns into positive and healthier patterns, to help you develop your inner potential and resolve non-serving habits quickly and effectively.
Hypnotherapy may be used to improve your performance and remove blocks in your work and sporting activities and can also be used in specific situations such as examinations, driving tests and public speaking.
Hypnotherapy is a safe and effective treatment which may significantly help with:
We recommend that you make an appointment for your first consultation and access our professional and confidential service to discover how Hypnotherapy can help you.
Initial Assessment is free.
Hypnotherapy - £85 per single session or £295 for a block of 4 paid in advance
Stop Smoking - £195 (single session) or £75 for a booster (within 2 years)
Hypno-Band System - £450 (4 or 5 sessions)
FREE 20 minute initial phone consultation and a more indepth consultation added on to first session at no extra charge.
Indian Head Massage is usually carried out seated and involves massaging of the neck, shoulders, head and face.
Benefits of Indian Head Massage can be to
£40 - 45 mins
Want to change your diet but not sure where to start?
Good nutrition is vital to our health and wellbeing. An appointment with a nutritional advisor can give you the knowledge you need to manage and maintain your body to be the best it can be.
Initial Consultation (up to 2 hours) - £80
Follow Up Sessions: (45 mins.) - £40
Reflexology is a non-intrusive complementary health therapy, based on the theory that different points on the feet, lower leg, hands, face or ears correspond with different areas of the body. Reflexology is a very individual treatment which is tailored to you as a whole person, taking into account both physical and non-physical factors that might be affecting your well-being.
£40 - 45 mins
£49 - 55 mins (Both Feet and Hands)
Initial appointment includes a consultation.
Reiki means ‘Universal Life Force Energy’. It is an ancient, energy healing system that benefits the body, mind & spirit. Reiki practitioners have been attuned enabling them to effectively channel the ‘life energy’ through their hands. The Reiki activates the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Reiki is totally safe, non invasive, natural & holistic. It is suitable for all. All initial appointments include a consultation.
photo credit Milada Vigerova-Unsplash
£25 - 30 Mins
£40 - 55 Mins
At the end of the 19th century a healing method was rediscovered in ancient Sanskrit texts by a Japanese scholar, Mikaomi Usui. Mikaomi Usui called it Reiki (pronounced ray-key) a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Energy. Reiki has no association with religion, faith or belief systems, and can be received by anyone who is willing to be healed.
Seichem (pronounced say-keem) works in the same way as Reiki, with hands placed on the body, but in addition hands may be working in the aura which surrounds the body. It is reputedly one of the healing arts practised in ancient Egypt.
photo credit Cristian Newman-Unsplash
Reiki is the Earth elemental ray and combined with the Seichem energies of Water (Sophi-El), Spirit (Angeliclight) and Fire (Sakara) helps to; ease tension, soothe pain, promote relaxation, boost the immune system, improve the quality of sleep, reduce the effects of trauma. Reiki can also help individuals in the latter stages of life in coming to terms with the death process. It does this by promoting relaxation therefore reducing the effects of trauma which in turn helps passing to be a more calm and peaceful process.
£40 - 55 Mins
Are you feeling stressed or having difficulty sleeping? Do you feel lacking in energy? Are you feeling generally out of balance?
The Benefits of Healing Energies
The human body depends on an overall energy flow. We suffer when we don't have enough energy to carry out our life functions or when we, as energy systems, are out of balance. The effect of receiving an energy treatment is that our supply of life energy is increased and this may help our body return to a better state of balance. It is in such a state of balance and renewed energy that we can heal on not just a physical level but also emotional, mental and spiritual.
Spiritual Healing is an energy healing therapy. It is not faith healing and is not linked to a religion. Healers learn to use their ability to tap into the natural energy that is around us and pass it on. This energy can help restore harmony of body, mind and spirit. Some healers see the energy as Divine, others see it as pure universal energy.
What to expect…
The client remains fully clothed during the treatment, which is carried out either sitting or reclining. The therapist gently places their hands on, or over, different points on their body.
During the healing you may experience a variety of different sensations, you may feel tingling or ‘pins and needles’, heat or coolness or simply feel calm, peaceful and relaxed.
£40 - 55 Mins
£25 - 30 Mins
Massage in various forms has existed since early civilisation and is the manipulation of soft tissue and muscles for therapeutic purposes. The treatment can be used purely for relaxation and well-being or to help with a number of ailments including muscle pain, back pain, stress and tension. Massage can be used to stimulate blood circulation, boost the immune system, improve muscle tone and encourage toxins to be expelled from the body.
This treatment will usually include legs, arms, upper chest & neck, abdomen (optional), back and shoulders.
This is a shorter massage, specifically designed to target problem areas such as lower back pain and muscle tension in shoulders and neck area.
This treatment helps to improve circulation and posture, relaxes muscles and improves flexibility.
£49 - Full Body Massage - 60 mins includes initial Consultation
£35 - Back, Neck & Shoulder - 40 mins
All treatments work alongside of, and not to be considered as a substitute for conventional medicine.
It is strongly recommended that you contact your physician or healthcare specialist if you have any concerns about your health.
Treatments provided on the strict basis of full disclosure by Clients who accept and agree to take full responsibility for their own well-being.